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R18+ Classification Looks Good to Go!

Hashy's picture


l00ks like the R18+ Classificati0n f0r vide0 games is g00d t0 g0 after NSW Attorney General finally b0wing t0 the maj0rity..

c0nsider this a win f0r c0mm0n sense.

What are y0ur views ab0ut this matter? d0 y0u think this is really necessary? h0w is it g0ing t0 affect us?


n0mad's picture

Lets See

when it get’s 0ver the line….

Then bring 0n sum Adult Themed Games and als0 sum very cheezY 0nes…..


Robag's picture

about bloody

time, good to see


I hope this goes ahead next

I hope this goes ahead next year, Cause I will be 18 next year

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